Save time and boost turnout with free, online Parent Teacher Conference SignUps! Teachers and room parents can build parent teacher conference schedules in minutes and invite parents via email or social media to sign up. Class parents can sign up anytime, anywhere, on any device – no passwords needed. Plus, eCalendar syncing and automated reminders keep everyone on track. Click here for a demo or watch the video below to see how easy setup is!

Parent Teacher Conference
Save time and boost turnout with digital parent teacher conference SignUps

How to Get 100% Attendance
at PT Conferences
Easy tips to boost turnout at parent teacher conferences

You Plan

They Sign Up

We Remind

I used Signup to set up my Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences this year and it was so easy! It was the perfect way to get information to parents since we are 100% virtual. It was so easy, I will continue to use it even when we are back in person.
- Stephanie T., Teacher at Walker Elementary
I've been a teacher for 20+ years and scheduling conferences has always been a huge headache. The back and forth was maddening. This year I heard about the SignUp app, set it up and put it on my ClassDojo. Parents quickly signed up - and they all showed up! The reminder emails were great. I plan on using this app from now on. Thanks for the great experience!
- Pamela Franco, 5th Grade Teacher at Storey Elementary